Mon Repas Français Typique

En français nous avons organisé un repas français typique. J’ai décidé de préparer une crêpe fourrée au jambon pour l’entrée, un gratin dauphinois pour le plat principal et une charlotte aux fraises pour le dessert. Les fromages que nous avons achetés est le gruyère et le Brie, servi avec les biscuits. Nous sommes allées faire du shopping à Woolworths près de ma maison. Nous avons acheté les fraises, de la crème et les feuilles de gélatine pour la charlotte aux fraises. Noix de muscade et les pommes de terre pour le gratin dauphinois. Pour les fromages, nous avons acheté le gruyère et le Brie. Alice a préparé le plat principal et les fromages. J’ai préparé l’entrée et le dessert.

Crêpe fourrée au jambon

Les Ingrédients

  • Œuf
  • Farine
  • Jambon
  • Fromage râpé

La Méthode

D’abord, j’ai cassé deux œufs à 200g de farine, puis j’ai versé 400ml de lait, fouetté jusqu’à une pâte lisse. J’ai versé la pâte dans une casserole chauffée pour deux crêpes. J’ai coupé le jambon et mis ¼ de jambon sur la pâte. Après, j’ai déposé du fromage râpé. J’ai roulé le crêpé ensemble pour finir.  En général, le plat est un plat facile, mais il est difficile de contrôler l’épaisseur de la pâte pour la crêpe.


Charlotte aux fraises

Les Ingrédients

  • 500 g de fraises
  • 1 citron vert
  • 20 biscuits roses de Reims ou biscuits cuillère
  • 150 g de sucre (75g pour le sirop, 75g pour la crème)
  • 300ml de crème
  • 6 feuilles de gélatine
  • 150 ml d’eau

La Méthode


Premièrement, J’ai préparé le sirop pour les biscuits cuillère. J’ai bouilli l’eau et ajouté 75g de sucre et zest de citron vert. Placé au frais et réservé.


Pour la préparation, J’ai équeuté 500g de fraises et fait tremper 6 feuilles de gélatine dans de l’eau froide. Puis, j’ai versé la moitié des fraises dans un saladier et ajouté 75g de sucre, mélangé avec un mélangeur. J’ai versé 1/3 du liquide dans une casserole et mis la gélatine. J’ai fait bouillir sur le feu. Battu 300ml de crème liquide très froide en chantilly, puis le liquide dans le liquide chaude, mélangé délicatement. Placé au frais. Dans le sirop que j’ai réservé, j’ai trempé la face plate d’un biscuit. J’ai placé la face bombée contre le moule et tapissé le biscuit du fond aussi. Après ça, j’ai ajouté le reste des fraises à la chantilly, mélangé et versé la chantilly dans le moule. Puis, filmé soigneusement et placé au frais pendant 4heure minimum. Après 4 heure, j’ai retiré le film puis démoulé la charlotte. Enfin, Alice et moi avons décoré la charlotte avec trois fraises. La Charlotte aux fraises est un dessert facile à comparer avec l’autre dessert français, parce qu’il n’utiliser pas du four.


Alice et moi avons pensé que le Charlotte aux fraises il était délicieux. J’adore le Brie avec les biscuits, mais je pense que Alice n’aime pas le fromage en général. Nous n’avons pas acheté pas le fromage correct pour le gratin dauphinois, mais le goût c’est agréable. Le crêpé était plus facile et plus difficile, le recette est facile mais il était difficile à verse la bonne quantité de pâte dans la casserole.


 L’expérience était brillante en général. Alice et moi avons choisi recettes des plus faciles mais nous avons cuisiné de 12h à 5h l’après-midi. C’est fatiguant mais amusant.

Week two double lesson

This lesson, Toni and I have looked up where are we able to get the materials.

We found several websites and compared the prices. At last, we decided to buy half of the materials from Jaycar and the other half online with a chipper price. We have lower the price from paying $100 each to paying $25 each person. We then organised a time on the weekends to go to Jaycar together so we may start building our project next week.


Communication concept

My target audiences are the people who like reading books, watching movies and Japanese Otakus ( anime lovers). I may advertise my product through social media, advertising by related YouTubers. Also, if possible I may also advertise my product in bookstores and cinemas. The definition for Otaku from Wiki. Otaku (おたく/オタク) is a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests, commonly towards the anime and manga fandom. My product may also aim at the Otakus by having related products about anime and manga. My product may have an emotional and moral message. The emotions may be towards their favourite movie, books or movies, the moral message may be towards how delicious my product is. 

Entrepreneur 1

1. What is an Entrepreneur?

A person who is running one or more companies and takes financial risks for profit.

2. At what age can you be an entrepreneur?

You can be an entrepreneur at any age.


An entrepreneur has to have a lot of self-confidence, to be willing to take risks. – Entrepreneurs are risk takers, ready to dive deep into a future of uncertainty. But not all risk takers are successful entrepreneurs.

Have the passion to support them during hard times. -Entrepreneurs believe in themselves and are confident and dedicated to their project. Their intense focus on and faith in their idea may be misconstrued as stubbornness, but it is this willingness to work hard and defy the odds that make them successful.

To have the ability to deal and accept failure.

1. Select one of the entrepreneurs discussed in this section and answer the following questions: Why is this person an entrepreneur? Has he or she been successful so far?

Jack Ma – To not give up after repeated failures                                                                                                                                  Ten years ago, he told others that he firmly believes that the Internet is the future, however, no one believed him.

Do not care what others think about him                                                                                                                                   

During the 1999 and 2000 Yahoo era, people said that Jack Ma was a madman. What he is doing is something that others do not understand, even if he is called a madman ( known as the Madman Jack), he took it as an accomplishment.


Choose an entrepreneur — from this section or one that you know — and investigate the behaviors and skills that they bring to their business.

What business did this entrepreneur start, and at what age?

Jack Ma – As of March 2018, he is one of China’s richest men with a Net worth of US$42.4 billion, as well as one of the wealthiest people in the world.

In 1994, Ma heard about the Internet. In early 1995, he went to the US and with his friends, they helped him get introduced to the Internet. During his first encounter, he searched the word “beer”. Although he found information related to beer from many countries, he was surprised to find none from China.

This is when Ma realized that the Internet had something great to offer. In April 1995, Ma, his wife, and a friend raised US$ 20,000 and started their first company.


1. What do you think would happen to Australia’s economy if we had no entrepreneurs?

If Australia had no entrepreneurs, there would be no leaders, no followers, no initiative-takers.

No entrepreneurs = fewer companies = fewer job opportunities =  people will not have enough money to offer food.



In this week in our class, we were asked to create a catching game!!

I have created a 100-second fish catching game.

At first, I created my script, on the bottom is my simple script of my main Sprite(cat), which is the catcher. It is just all about the movement of the cat and when will it ‘Meow’.


this is my main sprite

On the script says that whenever I press the left key it is going in direction -90(left) with 10 steps(speed)



Continue reading WEEK 2

WEEK1 reflection – An Awesome Start :)


What did we do? – We started our “first” STEM lesson

Begin from the last term, according to our coding skills, we have been separated into four groups.  Those are:

  • NoviceNo knowledge of coding
  • Apprentice – Only a small amount of knowledge to coding
  • Practitioner – Has done a lot of coding but still needs to work on it
  • Expert –  Very knowledgeable about or skillful at coding

I defined my self as an apprentice because in the past the only coding program I have used is “Scratch”. But I was in year 5 and 6, I used to fiddle around with “Scratch” quite a lot, using it to either make games or programming other stuff. (Scratch is a coding program Continue reading WEEK1 reflection – An Awesome Start 🙂